Tag - homebirth
7 posts
My Daughter’s Homebirth

My Daughter’s Homebirthfeatured

Written to my daughter “Magdalena Rose of the Highest Divine Order” (her true full name) An Immaculate Conception Dancing with grief after losing several family members all at once in a firey plane crash, an explosion, including my own Godmother.  She always wanted a daughter, I was the closest she had to a daughter. She Read more

Betsy’s 2 Homebirths

Betsy’s 2 Homebirthsfeatured

1st Homebirth: Veyda Veyda’s Birth Story! Written in early December, 2018 by Betsy. I wish I hadn’t waited as long to write this because the feelings and twangs of the initial postpartum period are dissipating and I have to catch what moments and thoughts that are still lingering. I’ve been meaning to for weeks already, Read more

Phoebe’s VBAC homebirth

Phoebe’s VBAC homebirthfeatured

ney from the birth of her first son: a week long labor ending in an emergency c-section, to her second son: a homebirth VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Phoebe tells in her own voice the physical and mental obstacles she had to overcome to get herself to open and allow her baby through her birth canal…this work is extraordinary healing over past lifetimes!
